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Custom Made Software :::
Connecting Solutions to Markets to Profits :

RESOURCE can give you a customized software solutions for any of your business/personal related activities. The reports generated through these products / service specific will be very useful for MIS reports and further assist in modifying or expansion.

The Following software are available :
  • Track Invest - Meant for financial consultants to track their client's various investments. The Personal edition help the individual investor to track their investments.
  • PRO School - A complete educational management software.
  • Psychological Software - To assess personality ; Aptitude ; Motivation ; Job Satisfaction ; Memory ; Concentration ; Study skills etc.
  • My Contact - A very user friendly address book with auto dialing facility.
  • Shubhlaab - A multi-product billing/inventory software.
  • Hos Pro - A complete Hospital Management Solution.
  • Track and Prosper - A complete customer management solution.
  • Track - An inter branch transaction management software.
  • ProStar - A complete Hotel Management Solution.
  • Asset Management Software.
The past few years have seen unprecedented growth in business activity across all sectors and industries. The increase in business capabilities has, in turn, enabled the emergence of another significant trend that is fundamentally transforming traditional business models: the rise of the virtual extended corporation.

Driven by market pressures for speed, precision, and agility, leading-edge companies are pursuing a strategy of "focus". They are focusing ruthlessly on their core competencies, and offloading everything else to trading partners in their value chains. Most of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the high tech industry, for example, in fact do not manufacture at all; instead, they use contract manufacturers whose sole focus is to excel in manufacturing, otherwise it is called BPO (Business Process Outsourcing).

The result is a value chain of trading partners, each specializing in the one or two functions they do best. The functions that were previously handled within one company-order management, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, finance-are now handled by multiple companies that must be connected and coordinated to perform a process seamlessly. The value chain operates as if it were one company, or a virtual extended corporation.

The next step, already in motion, is to extend those connections across value chains to form Value Networks-from inter-enterprise integration to inter-value chain integration. This "connectedness" is rapidly becoming the next source of competitive advantage. Leading companies have conducted research and published studies over the past three years, that have identified business trends and their associated emerging best practices. Continuing this longitudinal research, this year's in-depth research focused on the emergence of Value Networks. To what extent have Value Networks emerged? What are the drivers, what do they look like, how are they being created, what are the implications, and what, if any, is the business benefit?

Whether you're a small business, a multinational corporation or an institution, RESOURCE delivers innovative integrated solutions to meet your global needs. Over the last decade RESOURCE has established an industry-specific support structure to mass-customize IT solutions for your needs. It starts with our sales team, organized by industry to better understand your business needs. RESOURCE extensive industry consulting experts provide solution leadership to direct your ERP implementation and integration efforts to best meet overall business objectives. To complete the equation, software solutions and integration technologies from   
link ERP with your operational systems.

RESOURCE can map out an Information Technology blueprint, leveraging your ERP investment, to achieve business goals. Our skilled professionals can then provide the project management techniques and systems integration expertise to put your plans into action.